Oliver Woodberry, Level 4 Professional Accounting Technician Apprenticeship at Pinsent Masons, is successfully continuing with work and training during lockdown.
Damar was already well set up to deliver apprenticeship training virtually. Oliver had his midpoint assessment at the end of March with his trainer via Microsoft Teams and although his next set of accountancy exams have been postponed, he is using this time to prepare and revise using Damar OpenLearning and the other online resources provided. He is also starting the new, bespoke Working Differently programme, which Damar launched on Monday, designed specifically to keep apprentices safe, healthy and supported during the crisis.
Pinsent Masons supported their apprentices, alongside the rest of the workforce, to quickly transition to working from home. Oliver had already been issued with the necessary equipment, such as a laptop and headset and Pinsent Masons provided manuals and updates on how to use the equipment and online platforms at home. They have kept apprentices up to date with regular communications from senior management, providing reassuring messages and encouraging staff to use annual leave during this time if they need to. Teams also have 24/7 IT support to help with any problems, which Oliver has found very useful.
Oliver said: “Pinsent Masons have been very supportive during this difficult time. Getting started with my apprenticeship study sometimes feels a bit harder, now that I’m working from home, but having the two ½ days assigned in my calendar helps me to keep on track and not fall behind.”