Management Apprenticeships
Management apprenticeships enable managers and supervisors to develop teams that are happier and more productive.

Management Apprenticeships (Levels 3 and 5)

Team Leader or Supervisor Apprenticeship (Level 3): Apprentices develop the skills to be highly effective first line managers. They can have operational, team and/or project management responsibilities. As they take on increased responsibility, apprentices may progress to the operations or departmental manager apprenticeship. 

Operations or Departmental Manager Apprenticeship (Level 5): Apprentices learn how to effectively manage teams and/or projects and achieve operational or departmental goals and objectives. Key responsibilities may include creating and delivering operational plans, managing projects, leading and managing teams, managing change, and financial and resource management. 

Make an enquiry today to discuss how Damar's management apprenticeships can benefit your organisation

Benefits to your business

There are many ways in which management apprenticeships can improve your organisation. For example, apprentices can:

  • Work under pressure and easily adapt to changing priorities 
  • Get the best out of their teams 
  • Generate innovative ideas and approaches 
  • Nurture a more qualified workforce aligned to your future strategy 
  • Create role models who can demonstrate your organisation’s key values.
management apprentices

The Damar Difference

Here at Damar, we work with you, our employer partner, to deliver impactful apprenticeships. Some key features of our business administration apprenticeships include:

  • Coaching: Tailored to apprentices’ roles and organisations, so that apprentices can apply learning and enhance workplace performance.
  • Co-Creation: Resources and workshops are underpinned by specialist input from Co-Creation, experts in leadership & management development.
  • Specialist workshops: Seven specialist workshops that deep dive into key management topics.
  • Professional recognition: Successful apprentices can apply to become members of the Chartered Management Institute or the Institute of Leadership.
  • Progression: Great success with apprentices having the confidence to apply for, and gain, internal promotion.
  • Our People: An experienced team to support you and your apprentice, to ensure they achieve the qualification and have an impact on your organisation.
  • Our Processes: Our one-team approach offers a seamless enrolment and onboarding process, which leads into carefully planned, manageable chunks of learning.
  • Our Systems: Our accessible and engaging systems include OneFile, Profiler, Damar OpenLearning, and our apprentice forums.
Wigan council
Damar Orange Quotes

“Our team leader apprentice, Suzanne, is always looking for ways to make improvements, whether that’s with internal processes or council-wide changes The functioning of Suzanne’s team is so much better. We can really see things happening as a direct result of the apprenticeship.”

Julie Ainsworth
Senior Governor Support Officer
Wigan Council

Apprenticeship delivery

Management apprenticeships are delivered through:

  • Pre-work: Reading or video content.
  • Workshop: Most modules have a three-hour live workshop, delivered by an expert tutor, where apprentices can ask questions, discuss their learner and prepare for the individual activity.
  • Individual learning activity: The apprentice works through the activity brief, building their evidence to support the portfolio and end- point assessment. This allows the apprentice to embed and contextualise their learning. 
  • Main learning: Self-directed, interactive content on our online learning platform.
  • 1:1 Coaching visit: Every six weeks the coach and apprentice meet to review progress, discuss personal development and sign-off completed modules.  
  • Review meeting: Every 12 weeks the coach, apprentice and line manager meet to review progress. 
Team Leader or Supervisor

15 months (includes end-point assessment)

The programme is formed of ten carefully planned and sequenced 6-week modules that help apprentices learn and apply the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for each of the core occupational duties.

  • Module 1: self-awareness
  • Module 2: management of self
  • Module 3: decision making
  • Module 4: building relationships
  • Module 5: leading people
  • Module 6: managing people
  • Module 7: communication
  • Module 8: operational management
  • Module 9: finance

In addition, there is a module on Project Management that will be undertaken by students alongside the rest of the modules, timed to fit the student’s existing knowledge, the demands of their role and the end-point assessment.

Employer partners and apprentices are supported throughout the apprenticeship. The apprentice has a dedicated coach who provides 1:1 support, alongside the group coaching sessions and apprentice forums where they can engage with other appentices on the same programme. Review meetings with the apprentice, line manager and coach are held every 12 weeks. All of our employers also have a business development manager/executive they can contact at any time.

Two elements:
  • A 60 minute professional discussion with the independent end-point assessor, supported by a portfolio of evidence.
  • A presentation followed by questions and answers based on topic(s) covered within the apprenticeship. The apprentice will be given their presentation title post gateway by the end-point assessment organisation.

All management apprenticeships embed the functional use of maths and English as well as personal development topics in areas such as equality and diversity and British Values. Apprentices unable to evidence maths and English at GCSE level 4 or above may need to take functional skills exams as part of the apprenticeship. Additional training is provided if necessary. 

People of all ages and educational backgrounds can undertake management apprenticeships, but there are some restrictions, the most important of which are: 

  • The employer and the training provider must ascertain that the apprenticeship will allow the individual to gain substantive new skills. The training therefore needs to be materially different from any prior qualification or previous apprenticeship. 
  • The apprenticeship must align with the skills needs of the apprentice’s role. 
  • The apprentice must be employed, usually for 30+ hours a week, and work more than 50% of their time in England. 
  • All apprenticeships must take at least 12 months with apprentices spending a minimum of 6 hours per week in off-the-job training. All Damar apprenticeships plan for more than the legal minimum. There is more on how we maximise the benefits of off-the-job training here:

If your annual UK wage bill is over £3 million, the cost of training can be funded via the Apprenticeship Levy. We can help you navigate your Apprenticeship Service account to access this funding. 

If your annual UK wage bill is below £3 million, the government covers 95-100% of the training costs.

For apprentices aged up to 21, the apprenticeship is fully government-funded*. For apprentices aged 22 and over, the apprenticeship is 95% government-funded*. These new funding rules are applicable to apprentices starting from 1 April 2024.

*Please note: Some apprenticeships have accreditation costs which are not eligible for government funding

There is a wide range of progression routes from Damar’s management apprenticeships. The most common are career progression – with successful former apprentices taking on more responsibility – and progression from the team leader or supervisor apprenticeship to the operations or departmental manager apprenticeship. Further academic and apprenticeship progression is possible, including to degrees in business and management, to the level 6 chartered manager (degree) apprenticeship and the level 7 senior leader apprenticeship. 

We have regular start dates throughout the year for our apprenticeships. Please get in touch for more information.

Operations or Departmental Manager

Team leader apprenticeships are 15 months and the operations/departmental manager apprenticeship is 16 months (including end-point assessment).

People of all ages and educational backgrounds can undertake management apprenticeships, but there are some restrictions, the most important of which are: 

  • The employer and the training provider must ascertain that the apprenticeship will allow the individual to gain substantive new skills. The training therefore needs to be materially different from any prior qualification or previous apprenticeship. 
  • The apprenticeship must align with the skills needs of the apprentice’s role. 
  • The apprentice must be employed, usually for 30+ hours a week, and work more than 50% of their time in England. 
  • All apprenticeships must take at least 12 months with apprentices spending a minimum of 6 hours per week in off-the-job training. All Damar apprenticeships plan for more than the legal minimum. There is more on how we maximise the benefits of off-the-job training here:

These management apprenticeships are formed of ten carefully planned and sequenced 6-week modules that help apprentices learn and apply the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for each of the core occupational duties. 

  • Module 1: Self-awareness 
  • Module 2: Management of self 
  • Module 3: Building relationships
  • Module 4: Leading people
  • Module 5: Managing people
  • Module 6: Communication
  • Module 7: Operational management
  • Module 8: Finance
  • Module 9: Decision making

In addition, there is a module on project management that will be undertaken by students alongside the rest of the modules, timed to fit the student’s existing knowledge, the demands of their role and the end-point assessment.

Please note: Although module titles are similar to the team leader apprenticeship module titles, there is a significant difference in the content within the modules at each level.

Employer partners and apprentices are supported throughout the apprenticeship. The apprentice has a dedicated coach who provides 1:1 support, alongside the group coaching sessions and apprentice forums where they can engage with other appentices on the same programme. Review meetings with the apprentice, line manager and coach are held every 12 weeks. All of our employers also have a business development manager/executive they can contact at any time.

All management apprenticeships embed the functional use of maths and English as well as personal development topics in areas such as equality and diversity and British Values. Apprentices unable to evidence maths and English at GCSE level 4 or above may need to take functional skills exams as part of the apprenticeship. Additional training is provided if necessary. 

Two elements:
  • Method 1: A professional discussion with the independent end-point assessor, supported by a portfolio of evidence. 
  • Method 2: A project proposal, presentation, and questioning by the independent end-point assessor. The project proposal’s subject, title and scope will be agreed between the employer and the end-point assessment organisation at the gateway

There is a wide range of progression routes from Damar’s management apprenticeships. The most common are career progression – with successful former apprentices taking on more responsibility – and progression from the team leader or supervisor apprenticeship to the operations or departmental manager apprenticeship. Further academic and apprenticeship progression is possible, including to degrees in business and management, to the level 6 chartered manager (degree) apprenticeship and the level 7 senior leader apprenticeship. 

If your annual UK wage bill is over £3 million, the cost of training can be funded via the Apprenticeship Levy. We can help you navigate your Apprenticeship Service account to access this funding. 

If your annual UK wage bill is below £3 million, the government covers 95-100% of the training costs.

For apprentices aged up to 21, the apprenticeship is fully government-funded*. For apprentices aged 22 and over, the apprenticeship is 95% government-funded*. These new funding rules are applicable to apprentices starting from 1 April 2024.

*Please note: Some apprenticeships have accreditation costs which are not eligible for government funding

We have regular start dates throughout the year for our apprenticeships. Please get in touch for more information.

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Employer Enquiry Form

If you are an individual looking to apply for apprenticeships, please visit our Contact Us page.