Tips for dealing with stress when applying for apprenticeships

At some point in our lives, we are all going to have to deal with stress. It’s unavoidable. Having ways to deal with stress is extremely important. The tips you see below you will be able to use in different areas of your life, not only whilst looking for an apprenticeship.

Looking for an apprenticeship is a very exciting time however it can also be stressful, having ways to manage the stress will support the journey being enjoyable.

Top tips to reduce stress

Find support – Your support network could be friends or family however it could also be a recruiter and training provider. Having somebody you can speak to about your applications, interviews and feedback will allow you to get outside opinions and guidance. Surrounding yourself with positive people will also help reduce stress.

Focus your search – Have a clear understanding of the types of roles you are looking for, don’t make the job search too broad. Of course, you want to be open to different opportunities however if you have an idea of the sector, you want an apprenticeship within it will allow you to focus on this. It is also useful to make your cover letter/CV more sector specific.

Set realistic goals – Your end goal is to find an apprenticeship however you need to break it down into management chunks. Examples of this could be to send out a certain number of applications each week, having a certain amount of networking conversations and speaking to different training providers.

Embrace the rejection – When your application gets rejected it can be difficult to take anything positive from it, the key is looking and learning from the experience. Take on the feedback you get and learn from it, all the feedback can support you in your next application/interview.

Don’t waste energy, focus on what you can control – It is a good idea to make a list of things you are feeling stressed about. Look at the things you can and can’t control. Anything you are unable to control try put to the back of your mind and focus on what you can control, this will allow you to focus.

Be kind to yourself – Body and mind – Maintaining your mental health is crucial. Finding things that support your mental health will allow you to focus these may be things such as mindfulness, eating well, exercise and taking time away from social media. Take regular breaks from your job search, looking after yourself will support your application process.

If you would like to speak to somebody in more detail, please get in touch with Damar on

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