Did you know that every year’s intake of apprentices is expected to add £700m a year of value to the economy?* And, with SMEs accounting for 61% of UK employment**, it is smaller and medium-sized enterprises that have the most to gain.
Many small businesses are benefiting from apprenticeships, but too many are missing out on benefits including:
- Improved productivity
- Better staff retention
- Increased capability through the introduction of new talent to your business
- New ideas and ways of thinking
- Playing a part in improving the overall economy
Research conducted by the government shows that 78% of employers*** said that employing apprentices helped boost productivity. In the current labour market, many employers are facing skills shortages. By investing in skills you develop capability in the apprentice but, in doing so, you can also free up time of more experienced colleagues to deliver on higher value projects.
Many SMEs are unaware that apprentices can be existing employees with development needs as well as ambitious new recruits, so they are a chance for you to invest in existing colleagues as well as new talent. We see that 9 out of 10 apprentices remain with their employer after completing their apprenticeship which makes apprenticeships a key part of many employers’ long term retention strategy. And they range from entry level to apprenticeships that are the same level as a master’s degree, giving you options for a wide range of positions.
Sounds simple. But we all know real life is full of challenges.
So, what makes a great apprenticeship? As with all training and on-boarding/developing of new staff there is some time commitment and investment. However, government funding reduces the training cost significantly (usually by 95%). No employer’s national insurance for most apprentices under 25 and £1,000 grants for employers recruiting the youngest apprentices means that, for many SMEs, the only cost is the apprentice’s salary.
One understandable concern is the amount of time your apprentice will need to spend in training. So long as it is well planned, high quality off-the-job that is relevant to your business is actually one of the biggest benefits of apprenticeships. The training is there to ensure that your apprentice becomes fully competent in their role and achieves the goals you have for them. At Damar, we deliver “OTJ” as flexibly as possible and our experienced team is on hand to make it work for you.
We are also able to help you with the paperwork, funding and our recruitment team can even help you (at no additional cost) recruit a great apprentice for your vacancy.
CLICK HERE to read a blog by our Business Development Executive and SME specialist Krishan Parmar on how we help you ensure that off-the-job training is as efficient and effective as possible.
The choice is yours
Choosing the right training provider may seem challenging but the choice of partner is key to success. At Damar, we keep things straightforward, cut through the complexity and and work to a simple philosophy: “Great Team , Great Employers, Great Apprenticeships”.

We are proud of the quality of our provision, our apprentices and the impact they make. We deliver a concise range of apprenticeships in business and professional services to high standards. Our pass rates at the final end-point assessment are 96.4% and we have supported hundreds of SMEs build their capability. Our aim is not to be the biggest but the best for the sectors we serve.
How we can help
We deliver a range of business and professional services apprenticeship, with a core offering that supports SMEs develop their capability.

Damar’s Business Development Executives will help you understand how apprenticeships can make a positive impact on your business and will guide you through the process. To speak to a Business Development Executive please call us on 0161 480 8171 or email us at info@damartraining.com.
** = https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN06152/SN06152.pdf
*** = www.apprenticeships.gov.uk/employers/benefits-of-hiring-apprentice