We are delighted to announce that we have once again been accredited with the matrix standard for the high quality information, advice and guidance (IAG) we provide to candidates, apprentices and employers.
Providing this valuable IAG service forms part of our overall vision to drive meaningful impact for individuals and employers, empowering them to achieve their full potential.
The accreditors were impressed with a number of changes we have made to our IAG provision since our last assessment, including embedding careers education IAG within the apprenticeship curriculum, the creation of a careers education IAG policy and the appointment of a careers education IAG co-ordinator.
The matrix report also highlighted a number of key areas in which we particularly excel as a training provider.
In terms of our partner-employers, they noted that:
“Employers large and small feel they are in a partnership, and the largest especially find that Damar goes beyond their expectations not only in the delivery of support for their apprentices but in the involvement of their managers and reporting on progress.”
They also commented on our adept use of technology:
“Damar has strength in its ability to create and develop data systems in-house, and in its adoption of online technological solutions”, which enables our “ability to provide in-person support when employers or learners require it”.
The impact of quality IAG
One of the key outcomes for the IAG we provide to apprentices is to enable them to continue and progress in their careers. For 2024, 16% of our apprentices have already gained a promotion or pay rise, 16% have been given additional responsibilities at work, and a further 54% have achieved their qualification and are continuing to work in their role or a similar permanent position.
In addition to these specific outcomes, apprentices have also developed a substantial amount of new skills and behaviours (such as self-awareness, team working, relationship building and work practices), as evidenced by our bespoke Profiler tool.
The development of more confidence and skills, along with the ability to gain a promotion or take on additional responsibilities enables apprentices to have a valuable impact on the employers they work for.
Our partner-employers often feed back to us about the benefits that apprenticeships bring to their business. Filling skills gaps, increasing retention, making process improvements, gaining efficiencies and providing more support for management are just some of the ways in which apprentices have made an impact on their organisation.
Find out more
If you would like some information, advice and guidance about how Damar Training can create long-term value for individuals and employers, please get in touch with us today.