Latest News & Insight

Data Protection Apprenticeship

New Data Protection Apprenticeship

Damar Training are delighted to announce that we will be delivering the new data protection and information governance practitioner apprenticeship standard later this year. The ...
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legal training

Vocational Legal Education in England

Challenges and Opportunities Vocational legal education in this country is at a crossroads. Nine years on from the Legal Education and Training Review, huge changes ...
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Client Solutions Director

New Client Solutions Director

Damar Training, the specialist provider of professional and business apprenticeships, announces the appointment of Keith Richardson as client solutions director. Keith has many years’ experience ...
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Recruiting apprentices

Recruiting Apprentices in a Candidate-Driven Market

In a survey by HR Director, talent recruitment and attraction was one of the top five challenges cited by HR professionals in the UK for ...
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Apprenticeship peer to peer learning

Apprenticeship Peer to Peer Learning

Peer to peer learning has long been used as an effective method for school, college and university students, but remains somewhat neglected in the world ...
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Work from Home

5 Tips for Apprentices Working from Home

Molly Cockcroft, Paralegal Apprentice at Irwin Mitchell, has some great advice for new apprentices working from home or hybrid working. Take ownership of your studies ...
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